The Bonamy Federative Research Structure brings together all the research laboratories and the technological facilities in the field of biology and health in Nantes. It manages and participates in the development of the site's technological platforms, in particular those labelled IBiSA and/or Biogenouest.
SFR Bonamy in figures
- 14 research structures
- 21 technological facilities
- 1400 employees: researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staffs
SFR Bonamy
Institut de Recherche en Santé de Nantes Université (IRS-UN)
8, quai Moncousu
BP 70721
44007 Nantes Cedex 01
Institut de Recherche en Santé de Nantes Université (IRS-UN)
8, quai Moncousu
BP 70721
44007 Nantes Cedex 01
Mis à jour le 13 août 2024.