Research structures

The SFR Bonamy federates 14 health research structures located in Nantes. These laboratories, service units and Clinical Investigation Centers are accredited by Nantes University Hospital, CNRS, INRAE, Inserm, Oniris and/or Nantes University.


  • UMR : Unité Mixte de Recherche
  • EMR : Equipe Mixte de Recherche
  • UMS : Unité Mixte de Service
  • UR : Unité de Recherche
  • CIC : Centre d'Investigation Clinique

Research Laboratories

logo cr2ti Inserm UMR 1064 / Nantes Université - Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology (CR2TI) logo crci2na CNRS UMR 6075 / Inserm UMR 1307 / Nantes Université - Nantes - Angers Cancer and Immunology Research Center (CRCI2NA) Nantes Université UR 1 logo iicimed 155 - Targets and drugs for infectious diseases and immunity (IICiMed) CN logo incit RS EMR 6001 / Inserm UMR 1302 / Nantes Université - Immunology and New Concepts in ImmunoTherapy (INCIT) CNRS UMR 6291 / Inserm UMR 1087 / Nantes Université - L'Institut du Thorax research unit (ITx) logo mip Nantes Université UR 4334 - The Movement, Interactions, Performance research lab (MIP) logo PhAN Inrae UMR 1280 / Nantes Université - Physiology and Nutrtional Adaptation (PhAN)
Inserm UMR 1229 / Nantes Université - Regenerative Medecine and Skeleton (RMeS) Inserm UMR 1246 / Nantes Université - methodS in Patient-centered outcomes and HEalth ResEarch (SPHERE) logo target Inserm UMR 1089 / Nantes Université - Translational Research in Gene therapy (TarGet) Inserm U logo tens MR 1235 / Nantes Université - The Enterous Nervous System in gut and brain disorders (TENS) logo us2b CNRS UMR 6286 / Nantes Université - Biological and biotechnology sciences laboratory (US2B)

Research Support Unit

Unité Mixte de Service CNRS UAR 3556 / Inserm US16 / Nantes Université / CHU de Nantes (BioCore)

Clinical Research

CHU de Nantes - Clinical Investigation Center of Nantes (CIC)
Coordinator: Jean-Noël Trochu
Mis à jour le 12 août 2024.