
Nantes research structuring:

The Bonamy Federative Research Structure (SFR) brings together all the research structures and technological facilities in the field of biology and health in Nantes.

The facilities concentrate technological expertise accessible to the entire scientific community - from the public or private sector, local or external.

These technological facilities belong to research units (UMR) or service units (UMS) as follows:


Organization of the governance and the operational team:

Director board of the SFR

A decision-making authority (5 meetings per year) made up of :
  • directors of research structures
  • scientific managers of technological facilities
  • representatives of the technical managers of facilities
  • representatives responsible for the Inserm, Nantes University, CNRS and INRAE supervision
  • members of the research department of the Pays de la Loire Region
  • members of the SFR Bonamy board

Core facilities commission

A technological facilities commission (5 meetings per year) and some Working Groups made up of :
  • technical managers from technological facilities
  • members of the SFR board

Director board

The director board meets once a week in the presence of:

Support team and tasks officer


Financial management


Communication/Scientific culture initiatives

Administrative management

Human ressources, national and regional funding : CPER (Contrat de Plan État-Région) or FEDER (Fonds européen de développement régional), Biogenouest, facility equipment acquisition:

Project managers

Quality and Responsible Research mission coordonnator

Member of the programme Lorier (Inserm) and the Réseau Inserm Qualité
Support in setting up and monitoring quality procedures in accordance with ISO 9001, internal audits

Biological Hazards:

health and safety, formation, technical expertise

Data management - Imaging and bioinformatics

Mis à jour le 27 août 2024.