Experimental health core facilities

These core facilities include the animal housing facility located at the Faculty of Medicine, the IRS-UN and the IRS2. They are respectively called UTE Médecine, UTE IRS-UN and UTE IRS2 (UTE for experimental therapeutic unit).
These are common services of the University open to academic and private research teams under financial conditions, intended to house mice, rats, rabbits, and certain rodent breeding under specific conditions, and make experimentation rooms available for users.
These animals can be housed in several different rooms depending on their confinement and their use.
The legislation emphasizes that experimenters are personally and criminally responsible for their actions in terms of animal experimentation and in particular animal protection. This legislation also requires project authorization from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation before any implementation on the animal.


The experimental health core facilities use several skills to carry out their missions:
  • animal housing (rats, mice, rabbits) under different types of confinement (A1, A2, isolators)
  • reproduction, breeding,
  • aid in animal experimentation,
  • advice on animal experimentation regulations (drafting project authorizations, additional training, etc.)


  • Biology / Biotechnology
  • Cellular and molecular biology
  • Medicine, Human health
  • Pharmaceuticals / Medicines
  • Physiology
  • Tissue and cell engineering


  • Cages, racks
  • Cage washer, bottle washer
  • Small animal experimentation equipment: gas anesthesia, heating pads, binocular magnifiers
  • Autoclaves

Types of services

  • Housing for rats, mice, rabbits
  • Consulting, training
  • Help with experimentation
Mis à jour le 13 août 2024.