CIMNA core facility
About us
The Center of Immuno Monitoring Nantes Atlantic (CIMNA), a CHU Nantes platform of the Clinical Immunology Laboratory, offers services in the field of clinical immunomonitoring.
The platform offers conventional or innovative tests, controlled and validated, for monitoring the immune response of patients included in therapeutic trials or physiopathological studies. Services also include consulting activities in immunomonitoring intended for clinical and therapeutic research for academic or private investigators (autoimmunity, cancer, infection, transplantation, allergology, etc.).
CIMNA can also provide you with its expertise in technology transfer, technique development and method validation in an ISO15189 environment.
- 2 flow cytometers: CytoFLEX 13 colors (Beckman Coulter)
- 1 Luminex xMAP® instrument: 50 analytes (MAGPIX)
- 1 microfluidic platform ELLA (Protein Simple)
- 1 ELISPOT reader: Bioreader 5000Pro (Bio-Sys)
- 1 ELISA reader: ELx800 (Biotek)
- 1 culture room
- Storage rooms: LN2, -20°C, -80°C
Flow Cytometry
Applications :
- Cellular profiling and identification of subpopulations (frequencies and absolute values, existing validated panels)
- Lymphocytes: T, naive/memory, regulatory T, B, NK, NKT, MAIT/activated T, TCRgd, Dendritic cells, monocytes…
- Myeloid suppressor cells: MDSC
- Monocytes: classic, non-classic, intermediate
- Dendritic cells: cDC, pDC
- Granulocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
- Innate lymphoïd cells: ILC
- Class and sub-classes of membrane immunoglobulins (IgA1, IgA2, IgD, IgM, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4)
- HLA-DR on monocytes
- Analysis of cellular function (ICS)
- Phagocytosis test
- Production of cytokines by T lymphocytes after stimulation
- Production of cytokines by dendritic cells after stimulation
- Production of cytokines by monocytes after stimulation
- Receptor occupancy measurement (receptor occupancy/RO)
- Analysis of antigen specific T lymphocytes using tetramers
- Development of new custom panels upon request (up to 13 simultaneous markers)
Quantification of soluble molecules by multiplex analyses
The Luminex technique which allows the simultaneous measurement of numerous protein or nucleic targets (≤ 50 cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, etc.). Using magnetic beads, this process, based on xMAP® technology, is based on the principle of an ELISA combined with cytometry.
The ELLA system is an automated immunoassay platform (SimplePlexTM) with a rapid and highly sensitive detection system for proteins in different types of biological samples. This is a microfluidic cartridge system allowing the determination of up to 8 analytes simultaneously in the same sample.
- Multiplex assay of analytes on serum, plasma, culture supernatants
- Dosage of cytokines, chemokines
- Dosage of immunoglobulins
- Dosage of analytes in the context of metabolism, cardiovascular, transplantation, cancer, neuroscience, bone, etc
Applications :
- Dosage of analytes in simplex on serum, plasma, culture supernatants, etc.
- Dosage of cytokines, chemokines
- Dosage of drugs and anti-drug antibodies (Infliximab, Vedolizumab, etc.)
- Dosage of analytes in the context of metabolism, cardiovascular, transplantation, cancer, neuroscience, bone, etc.
Simple preparation and storage
- Isolation of PBMC by density gradient centrifugation and freezing
- Preparation and storage of serum and plasma
- Freezing of whole blood for cytometry analysis (method developed by the platform, see Braudeau et al., Cytometry Part B, 2021)
- Isolation of cells by magnetic selection
Ex-vivo tests and functional analyses
- Stimulation of cells for functional analyzes (ELISpot, flow cytometry, etc.)
- Cell proliferation tests
- Isolation of cells by magnetic selection for ex-vivo tests
Applications :
- Measurement of antigen-specific T cells after stimulation (viral antigens, vaccine antigens, etc.) by immunoenzymatic techniques
Scientific expertise
The Professor Régis JOSIEN, Dr Jérôme MARTIN and the entire team are at your disposal to provide you with their expertise for your projects in the field of immunology, supporting you from the design of your study to the analysis results.
Quality system
Partnerships and networks
Local :
- CIMNA is a platform of the Bonamy Federative Research Structure which brings together all the research laboratories and technological platforms in the field of biology-health in Nantes.
- LabEx IGO: Immunotherapy Graft Oncology Laboratory of Excellence, network of excellence aimed at developing innovative immunotherapies, certified and financed as part of the programmes d’investissement d’avenir (PIA) managed by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
International :
CIMNA has participated in the following European project:
- European network EU FP7 « The One study »
- European network EU FP7 « Bio-DriM »
- European network EU COST - ENTIRE
- European network EU COST - A FACTT

Version française
who also serves as the director of CR2TI UMR1064
Jérôme Martin, chief R&D officer
Aurélie Fantou, referent clinical laboratory PH
Cécile Braudeau, engineer
Justine Chevreuil, technician
Adress and Contacts
9 quai Moncousu
44093 Nantes Cedex 01
For a request for additional information or a quote :
Phone: + 33 (0)
Find out more: site internet CHU
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: Closed